Please watch this idiot. PLEASE!!! I can't take it anymore. He starts interviewing an African American (pc) and he all up in his face yo and every syllable is blasted out with the force to spit up a loogy that's hanging on your lip because you didn't spit it out hard enough in the first place and as the interview goes on, you see the person he's interviewing is just speaking normally (yes, normally, i.e. "no chip on the shoulder, I'll rip your head off if you look at me the wrong way" normally)and then Stephen tones down the "puking" every word out. He is SUCH a phony. PLEASE WATCH!! Help a white brother out here! Help a black brother as well, because he is a disgrace to his race. Be yourself, be honest and stop being a phony dick!
Here's an excerpt from Paula Zahn talking to Smith, one of several guests:
ZAHN: There have been some studies done over the years which show that there are biological differences between African-Americans and whites that would show in some cases superior athletic ability. Now some people said that's a bunch of bunk. Do you think there's any truth? SMITH: There may be some truth to those studies. But when you hear people alluding to it, the reason why the issue of race comes into the equation is because of the underlying issues involved with that. Sometimes people say it based out of sheer ignorance. Other times they are saying it to highlight one's athletic ability while at the same time diminishing their intellectual capacities. A lot of times when you speak to a lot of athletes, or if you talk to a lot of black individuals involved in the world of sports, people who couldn't get into the positions of -- an executive position like a GM, like a president or what have you, some of the things that they allude to is everybody is always commenting on our physical prowess and not giving us enough credit for our cerebral prowess. And that's a problem for them, because a lot of times you look at -- I know me personally, somebody questions my intellect, I'm going to have a problem with them. And sometimes you listen to people speak and they try to point to one's athletic prowess simultaneously trying to take away from their intellectual capacity. And that's where it gets highly sensitive. That's why you shouldn't touch it.
Huh? It was a straightforward question and the convoluted answer...........moron.
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