It is so telling when they have a closeup on Heilman. Aaron Heilman has such a pathetic look on his face when things are going bad. I feel sorry for him actually. Even though I have yelled at the tv many times when he was pitching. He knows he's pitching like a girl and is embarassed by his performance, but he just can't seem to get out of it. The guy has really good shit, but apparently has no confidence in it, or actually in himself. That's the real problem.
Unlike Billy Fucking Wagner, who truly believes that there may not be any odor to be detected after he has defecated in the Mets clubhouse (not to mention the odor that can be detected in the Shea Stadium parking lot when he blows his umteenth save. Armando, are you busy??? Your evil twin is on the DL!)
I am so sick of this fucking shit with these closers: Benitez, Looper, Fagner. Can we get an average guy that can protect a two run lead???????????????
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