Friday, January 30, 2009

Earn more sessions... We the people are lazy with our speech!!!!!!!!!!!!

I invite you all to look at that link because I am too retarded to know how to post vids on my blog. It's Steve Martin in "Roxanne" talking thru the door and Roxanne can't hear him.

If I say to you from across the room, "You're gonna shut down the compressor, so it's not running all weekend, right?" and you think I said, "You're gonna talk to Vanessa, and see if she's coming this weekend, Dwight!" and you don't want to be the asshole and say "what?"( because if you don't hear someone, in our world, it's somehow YOUR fault) so you say,with a goofy smile, "OK!!". You are totally unsure of what I said and the tip off should have been that your name is not "Dwight", and you don't even know anyone by the name, "Vanessa", but being as you don't want to appear like you're an asshole for not "hearing" me, you smile and nod, "OK!!!". Sad.

Maybe the captain of the Titanic heard, "VICEROY IN THE HEAD!!!" rather than "ICEBERG, DEAD AHEAD!!!" and thought that there were cigarettes available in the bathroom and therefore took no action to avoid it.

The point is that we are exceedlingly lazy as a people and when we can't hear something someone says, there are a possible three reasons why: the hearer is hard of hearing, the speaker is not speaking loudly enough or the speaker is mumbling. The fault lies with the speaker, in any of the three cases. If the "hearer" is , in fact, "deef", it is incumbent on the speaker to speak LOUDLY or more clearly. The "hearer" can not "hear" better, so the speaker must make up for it.

So, be a dick and insist that people enunciate. Somebody has to do it, damn it!

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