Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Annoying Yankee fan Pt. 2

Holy shit!!!! If I was a fan at "Tiger Stadium", I would find out where this guy was sitting and consider flinging a "submarine pitch" of beer or, even an aerial bomb from an upper deck, but then you'd have collateral damage. Of course, punching him in the face could get you arrested. The one consoling fact is that God is just. As annoying and evil as some Yankee fans are, God is watching all this and if they are deserving of punishment, they will be punished, either here or in the hereafter. I must be merciful and hope that they are punished here as opposed to the bad place, or at least in purgatory. I forgive them, but punishment is most likely warranted. So don't worry, if you are a decent and good baseball fan, you will not be punished for such. I must confess that, yes, I have hated the Yankees.

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