Monday, April 24, 2006

Joe Morgan is an idiot (pt. 1)

When I was a kid, I admired Joe Morgan. I used to imitate his batting style with the flapping chicken wing. He was an integral part of the Big Red Machine. I might have, well, even...loved him.
Fast forward to present day. Just because you are great at playing a particular sport, it does not mean that you are also great at teaching the sport, particularly, those parts of the sport that you were not proficient in. I know I'm not supposed to end a sentence with "in". See? I understand that I am not an English professor, even though I speak the language! Stay with me.
Morgan constantly goes out on a limb, spewing baseball untruths, knowing that he can say whatever because he was a great player. The problem is, he thinks he's right about these things and is drifting in some weird fantasy world where words come as easy as hitting a 95 mph fastball. He's a little delusional, folks.
Stanby for more..............

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