Saturday, June 07, 2008

Carlos Delgado is the epitomy of a sucky ballplayer (a.k.a. Carlos Delgado sucks!)

Carlos Delgado does every conceivable thing you can do as a first baseman or a ballplayer that is bad. I thought Jason Giambi was bad. Not only is he horrible defensively, he does everything wrong in baserunning (running half speed).
Delgado fools people with his home runs. People are in love with homers. Home runs are one tenth or less of a players' value.
He is singlehandedley killing the Mets. When he is not in the lineup, I love it.

I know the Mets are playing like shit and I blame Willie. There is no fire. When he put that piece of shit Delgado on the bench, they took off. Hello?? It's not just Del.... , the whole team has no fire. San Diego has such great pitching so, I cut them some slack........................uh what?? Let's see if the Mets can score 1 run for three in a row against shitty pitching.................... I can't wait.

Fuck you Willie. Wake up! Dump Willie now.

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